Have you ever considered planting a native pollinator garden in your outdoor space? If not, it may be time to do so. Pollinators, such as bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies, play a crucial role in a garden as they allow plants to reproduce. Unfortunately, they are going through a crisis of habitat loss worldwide. The good news is that even the smallest native pollinator garden can be beneficial. All you need is a few pots of flowers to attract pollinators to your yard or garden. With the help of an experienced landscape contractor in Sonoma County, you can build a garden to help struggling native pollinators.
5 Tips to Help You Build a Native Pollinator Garden
Here are 5 important tips to keep in mind when planting a native pollinator garden.
Add Diversity: This is one of the most important tips to building a native pollinator garden. Diversity in plant sources will help in bringing a diverse range of pollinators and other beneficial insects and birds to your garden. For the best results, select flowers of different types, sizes, and colors.Along with these, also plant edibles such as fruit trees and vegetables, and a variety of herbs, which you should allow to flower too.Diversity will also lessen the threat of pests and disease.
Keep It Simple and Colorful: If you have difficulty identifying which plants will be beneficial for local bees or for your hivesand other pollinators, you should try to simplify your flowers, and diversify colors. Keep in mind that different colors attract different pollinators. If you mix and match the colors of your blooms successfully, a larger range of bugs will be attracted to your space. It is also important to remember that simple flowers are best for attracting pollinators.Spread the bloom cycle throughout the year especially when pollinators are the most active or have fewer choices in flowers.
Plant Natives: A native pollinator garden obviously needs native plants. This is because they provide support to pollinators as the life cycles of the native plants and pollinators are in sync with each other. There are a number of native plants from small shrubs to perennial wildflowers that will thrive in gardens, even small ones, as well as in containers.Keep in mind that local native pollinators will prefer local native plants.
Plant in Containers: If your garden is not a traditional one where you can plant directly in the ground, plant your blooms and other plants in containers, and place them onyour front stoop, deck, patio or rooftop. Choose plants of varying textures, colors, and heights to attract a more diverse range of pollinators as well as to make the space more aesthetically pleasing. Be sure to use large containers so that the roots have room to grow, and it takes longer for the potting mix to dry out.
Plant Densely and Vertically: Regardless of whether you are planting in the ground or in containers, you must make sure to plant densely. This will not only help in minimizing open ground for weeds, and providing immediate visual impact, but also offer pollinators places to hide from rain, strong winds, and predators. Plants that grow vertically are also beneficial for pollinators as they can help in increasing the available habitat in a small space. You will find a number of native vines that are superb sources of pollen and nectar for pollinators.
If you want to do your bit for pollinators, and in turn, play a role in helping our ecosystems, all you have to do is build a native pollinator garden. To make sure that you plant the best garden to attract pollinators, seek the help of an experienced landscape contractor in Sonoma County at Gardenworks Inc. For help in maintaining or setting up your garden, call Gardenworks Inc. at (707) 857-2050.