Spring is upon us. Soon the temperatures will start getting warmer, plants in your landscape will start blooming, and birds & pollinators will return to your garden. Now is the right time to prepare your garden to welcome new life.

Preparing your yard for spring does not have to be a complex and intimidating process. Follow these simple tips to begin revitalizing your garden.
Give Your Trees and Shrubs a Makeover
Trees and shrubs play a very important role in any landscape. They draw the eye to particular spots and enhance both soft and hard landscaping features. Unkempt trees and shrubs are an eyesore. Overgrown shrubs and tree branches can impact the aesthetic appeal of your garden.
Sculpt tall shrubs around the perimeter of your property to make them look like a natural fence or serve as a partition for enhanced privacy. Trim any overgrown branches and leaves of your trees. Use trees to create shady areas.
Winter is a stressful time for plants and shrubs. After a long winter, inspect your trees and shrubs for health issues. Have a landscaping maintenance company in Santa Rosa remove dead or diseased branches and determine the fertilization needs of your trees and shrubs.
Fertilize Your Lawn
To provide your soil with essential nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen, fertilize your lawn. If you are not sure what nutrients are lacking in your soil, get it tested. Determine if you need a nitrogen-heavy, potassium-heavy, or phosphorous-heavy fertilizer.
Nitrogen-heavy fertilizers facilitate green top growth, potassium-heavy fertilizers help with chemical reactions, and phosphorous-heavy fertilizers promote root growth. Decide if you want to use organic or synthetic fertilizers.
Unlike organic fertilizers, synthetic ones are water-soluble and release nutrients to plants quicker than their organic counterparts. However, they do little to improve long-term soil fertility and soil texture. Moreover, they can leach out into nearby water bodies, polluting them.
Before you start fertilizing your lawn, choose your application technique. Whatever the type of fertilizer you choose, apply it according to manufacturer instructions. Keep as much fertilizer on your lawn as possible. Sweep back any excess fertilizer that ends up on your driveway, sidewalks, or walks back into your lawn. Alternatively, you can bag up any excess fertilizer and use it later. Determine the right amount of fertilizer for your landscaping or you may end up overfertilizing, which can have negative impacts.
Add Mulch to Your Yard
When done right, mulching can do wonders. Mulch reduces erosion, prevents soil compaction, and adds visual appeal. Use just the right amount of mulch, typically one to two inches. Be sure to keep mulch at least 2-3 inches away from your tree trunks or they may have difficulty breathing. Use a bark-type mulch before a shredded wood type. Gardenworks is a leading landscaping maintenance company in Santa Rosa. We can also help you design and build your dream lawn from the ground up. To make an appointment, call (707) 857-2050.