A well-thought-out landscape can transform your outdoor area into an oasis. It allows you to connect with nature and enhance your quality of life. Landscapes support local ecosystems. They offer food and shelter to local wildlife.

If you are anxious or stressed, spend some time in your landscape every day. Garden soil contains Mycobacterium vaccae, a beneficial bacteria. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties. Studies show that Mycobacterium vaccae works in the same manner as antidepressant medications. It boosts the levels of feel-good hormones (like serotonin) in the body. Serotonin improves your mood. Spending some time in your backyard every day is a great way to expose yourself to these beneficial bacteria. Studies show that landscaping is good for the mind and body. It provides a great workout, helping increase upper and lower body strength while also being one of the best activities for mental well-being. It reduces stress and improves focus and mental clarity.
Landscaping encourages mindfulness, nourishes the soul, and boosts creativity. It also naturally helps ease anxiety. Landscaping can improve several aspects of mental health. Many mental health professionals recommend horticultural therapy for their anxious and stressed patients. Horticultural therapy improves memory, cognition and creativity. It is highly effective and is used as rehabilitative reform in the American prison system. Research suggests that simply gazing at plants through a window can reduce cortisol levels. Many health professionals believe that a walk through a well-manicured landscape can lower blood pressure and pulse. Spending time outside in your landscape lowers inflammation, thereby, reducing your risk for autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, and even some types of cancers. Vitamin D is essential for physical and mental health. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to depression-like symptoms or loss of bone density, which can contribute to osteoporosis. In children, vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets, a condition in which bones become brittle and bend. The sun is the best source of vitamin D. Spending some time in your landscape is a great way to soak up vitamin D. When you spend time in the sun, serotonin levels in your brain increase. Serotonin influences learning, memory, and happiness while also regulating body temperature. Lack of serotonin has been linked to mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Remember to apply sunscreen to your exposed body parts before going out in the sun. Gardenworks is a reputable landscaping maintenance company in Santa Rosa. We help our customers keep their landscapes healthy all year round. Our ability to understand homeowners’ needs and craft tailor-made solutions sets us apart. To talk to one of our experts, call (707) 857-2050.