Adding new plants and lighting to your landscape is a great way to spruce it up. Plants improve the aesthetic appeal of landscapes and support the local ecosystem while lights can make it safer and easier to enjoy your space. When choosing plants for your landscape, opt for natives, when possible, over non-natives as they are adapted to the local climate, water availability, and soil conditions.

After you have bought plants for your landscape, begin planting them. It is important that you place plants correctly or they may not receive adequate sunlight and water. Incorrect plant placement can also negatively affect the aesthetic appeal of your landscape and lead to more maintenance and over pruning.
Follow these tips when placing your plants.
Planting Dos and Don’ts
Read the plant tags. A plant tag contains important information about the plant such as the amount of water and sunlight it needs and how tall and wide it can get. Plant tags also tell you exactly how far apart you should place plants.
When planting bedding plants, mass individual plants of the same type together. Similarly, when planting foundation shrubs, plant like shrubs together in groups of three or five.
Juxtaposing plants with contrasting textures or forms is a great way to create fascinating contrasts. Use plants with different forms and textures in a flower border.
Want to simplify maintenance? Group plants with similar requirements together. Some factors to consider when choosing plants to group together include their need or tolerance for wet soils, need for sunshine, shade tolerance and resistance to insects
Arrange plants in rows with the tallest plants in the back, mid-sized plants in the center, and the shortest plants in the front row. This way you will be able to create a foreground, middle ground, and background for your garden
Don’t crowd plants too close to each other or some of them may get too much sunlight and water while others may not receive enough nutrients – a simple rule of thumb is space plants according to their mature size and let them grow to their natural size.
Don’t mix plants with different sunlight and water needs
How to Avoid a Common Planting Mistake – Planting in the Wrong Spot!
In some spots in your garden, the temperature might be warmer or cooler than others. Some areas in your garden may receive less sun during the day. Difference in soil level can create areas where drainage is too poor or areas where the soil drains too quickly. Be sure to consider these factors when choosing the planting spots for your plants. Learn your site conditions for the best success.
Plant Selection: Top 5 Things to Consider
Environment: Choose the plants suitable for your environment. When selecting plants, consider soil type, climate, exposure, and most importantly water needs.
Maintenance requirements: Do the plants that you are considering need regular pruning? Do they attract pest?
Plant size: How tall and wide does the plant grow when it fully matures? Avoid plants that can outgrow the area in which they’re planted.
Wildlife: Choose plants that are attractive to pollinators, birds and or butterflies.
Water: Consider planning plants with similar watering needs together in one hydrozone.
Gardenworks is a renowned landscaping company serving Sonoma County. We have the experience required to bring our clients’ visions to life. Do you also need help choosing the right landscape lighting near you in Sonoma County? Call our office at (707) 857-2050.