Lawn fertilization improves plant disease resistance, promotes growth, and improves lawn soil. Fertilize your lawn at least twice every year to keep your grass looking healthy and its greenest.

The Million Dollar Question: When Should I Fertilize?
You will do more harm than good by applying fertilizer at the wrong time and can inadvertently damage your lawn. Depending on the type of grass you have, the best time of year to fertilize can vary.
There are benefits of fertilizing in every season. If you are struggling to control weeds in your lawn, fertilize in early spring. Fertilizing in spring is a great way to ensure that your lawn gets the nutrients it needs to come back to life after a harsh winter. We suggest that you also consider reseeding in spring in areas of your lawn that are patchy or have gone bare.
To prevent weeds, fertilize your soil again in late spring. Fertilizing just before summer is a surefire way to ensure your lawn stays vibrant throughout the summer. If you want to kill weeds, extend grass life, and promote seed germination, fertilize in the fall. In some cases, it might make sense to fertilize even in winter.
Your landscaping contractor will consider important factors such as lawn location, soil quality, grass type, type of fertilizer you want to use, and climate to determine the right time to fertilize your lawn.
Warm Vs. Cool Season Grass
The right time to fertilize depends on the type of grass you have. You will want to fertilize your lawn just before your grass enters its peak growing phase.
If your lawn features warm-season grass, fertilize it in late spring or early summer. In case warm-season grass goes dormant in winter, do not fertilize after the first week of September. Fertilize cool-season grass in early fall. Apply fertilizer before grass blades start losing color.
Common Fertilizing Mistakes to Avoid
Fertilizing During a Drought: You should water deeply after fertilizing. Do not allow the fertilizer to sit on top of your lawn without watering it or your grass can become damaged. If your area is facing drought-like situation, wait till the rainy season to fertilize your lawn
Applying Fertilizer Immediately After a Rainstorm: Wait for a day or two after a rainstorm to fertilize your lawn. Allow the ground to dry, or runoff can occur. When you apply fertilizer to dry grass, there is a better chance that it will slide down to the soil, instead of sticking to the blades of your grass
Gardenworks is a reputable landscaper near you in Sonoma County. We help our customers keep their lawns healthy all year round and keep their landscaping in line with their vision. To make an appointment, call (707) 857-2050.